For all former members of The 13th Bromley Boys' Brigade & Pacemakers Drum & Bugle Corps
We are currently updating our contact details for past and former members. With a number of recent additions we now have contact with over 200 Alumni.
If we don't have your e-mail address and you would like to be kept up to date with the latest 13th BB Brigade news and events, please message us with your email address, to our inbox on Facebook; facebook.com/13thbromley or via our website "Contact Page".

Please read the very latest Covid -19 guidelines as our Boys' Brigade Company returns to face to face activities. You can also monitor the Boys' Brigades' National updates by clicking on the following link: boys-brigade.org.uk/coronavirus-update/
We are pleased to announce that face-to-face activities can take place Indoors and outdoors subject to venues and companies being COVID-19 ready as detailed within our guidance framework. Jonathan Eales: Boys' Brigade Chief Executive
It is most important that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms MUST NOT attend any face-to-face activities and should follow current government guidelines on self-isolation and testing.
Whilst restrictions have been relaxed we will continue with the following precautionary arrangements:
All members will be required to wash hands on arrival and regular hand washing will be encouraged. Hand sanitiser will be available in various locations.
Sensible spacing during indoor activities
Face covering throughout indoor events are now optional. Members are welcome to bring their own masks if required.
Maintaining good ventilation.
Arrival and Departure arrangements:
Children and young people under 18 years are no longer subject to controlled bubble/group sizes indoors or outdoors. Whilst there are no set limits maximum group size should be based on being able to maintain social distancing within a meeting space.
Arrival for the Moffatt Hall will be via the side door (The Fire Exit) to allow easy access to wash hands on arrival and the collection point will be the Moffatt Hall (Front Door) as usual.
All parents are required to remain with the boys until we have completed their registration.
Parents are politely asked to respect social distancing when arriving and collecting.
Parents are requested to please observe the arrival times and particularly the departure times. As late pick-ups will have an adverse effect on our ability to ensure proper Covid cleaning of the halls, before other groups are able to use our premises on the same evening.
Social distancing and other measures:
Should a child feel or become ill during the evening we have set aside a dedicated room for this
purpose. Parents will be contacted to collect, should this be necessary.
It is vitally important that we have the most up-to-date contact information, in the unlikely event that
we need to contact you and you are contactable at all times whilst members are involved in Brigade activities.
Finally, we are required to keep a register of those attending face-to-face BB activities in order to
comply with Government and Brigade regulations.